Tuesday 26 October 2010

Fed Up!

What a day. Lost my memory stick, cannot get it from work even though I have driven over twice and now the Manics gig is off. Think I will just go to bed! Poo!

Monday 25 October 2010

Now Blogging and Tweeting

Well, I have done it, I am now tweeting and have my own blog! Scary! Lets see how long the up dates last!

Tuesday 5 October 2010

What a cool day I have learnt to Blog!

To celebrate, here are the greatest band still around! The Mainc Street Preachers!

Test video blog!

Bon Jovi, great bad !

Voki James !

Get a Voki now!

Dinner, nice!

Had lunch included in the course, always a bonus! Beef hot pot and veg, healthy but keeps you warm!
Image: 'Beef and Tofu Hot Pot'
sorry cows!

Blog Number 2!

Here is the next Blog but I am experimenting with different text and styles! Here goes!
Well that seemed to work so I will try and new picture!

and this comes from:
Image: 'newcastle one'

Hey it work again, the new hero Andy Carroll is on the blog, but he needs a goal soon!